Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday Motivation

This morning I want to share about motivation.  I send out a team email each Monday that is designed to inspire others to take action in their businesses.  We have the coolest business as Creative Memories consultants.  We are positively moving toward helping others find photo solutions with our products.

Here is part of the email:)  I hope you like it...

What motivates you to act?
You are in business, and it is your decision to make things happen...everyone is different, but to be IN business you must take action toward results.   What do you want?  What inspires you the most?  Today, being a Monday...a new start to the week and possibly a new start to your business I ask, are you motivated to take action?
Allright, now the question I have for you today is the same...what motivates you to act?  This time I want to know what motivates you to do something with your pictures and the memories of those pictures?
Yesterday I was going through some boxes from my parents home.  They are moving, and SO much was thrown out that it makes me sick.  But, most was saved.  As my brother and I went through a few boxes we found items such as bronzed baby shoes that my Father wore, and pocket watches from at least 100 years ago.  For me, it is the story!  I am taking photos and will bring my computer to my parents today and ask them for the stories.  I am SO excited to hear them, and write the description of each item into my Memory Manager.  Our Creative Memories software is designed to help you keep the stories with the photos. 
Reading my email, does this motivate you?  Would you like to learn more?  btw, the program is just $39.95 and you can get started today!  Take a look at our Memory Manager program.  Just CLICK HERE

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