Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day Forty Eight

One of the reasons I love what I do, is that I get to help people make a difference with their stories, photos and memories  This past weekend at the Christian Fair I met so many great people that were willing to create cards for the troops.  Together we made over 300 holiday cards to be sent through the Blue Star Moms and I could not be more proud!  Here is a thankyou to the participants.  They weathered the snowy day and came down to the Christian Fair, and found their way to the craft area that I sponsor. 

Thanks to my amazing daughter Madison for helping all weekend.  Dragging in all of those supplies and spending two days helping was very appreciated kiddo!

If you have a group that would like to help, please contact me.  I will come and bring the supplies to make cards, and even send them to the active military that needs a smile this holiday season! 

Make a difference in all that  you do today.  You never know just who needs their spirits lifted, and your acts of generosity might just bless those who need it the most.  I know that time is short, and your days are busy...its ok to spend some of that time blessing others.  I promise:)

Todays quote:

Don't be fooled by the calendar.  There are only as many days in the year
as you make use of.  ~Charles Richards

Do you love the CM digital software idea but fear that you are not creative enough to do it? 
Local friends, please try out Tecki Tuesday.  We are excited to share the fine features of this system with you.  If you can email, you can enjoy Storybook Creator! 

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