Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day Forty Nine

First and foremost, I would like to thank the Lord above for bringing blessings into my life recently.  The days that are bigger struggles, with people and busy times sure are easier when someone else is driving...if you know what I mean:)  So, thanks for being my chauffer God.  Its been quite a ride lately!!!

Who is driving you along the way to your goals?  Do you have someone riding shotgun, making the ride more fun?  I can tell  you how it has been for me over the years.  Road trips with the girlfriends just rock!  Looking back on a few  years ago, Lori and Heather two of my dear friends made a long trip to San Antonio with me and oh my GOSH what a ride.   We laughed, shared stories, and will look back on those times as some of the best ever.  Imagine, I was driving and Lori was shotgun...supposedly navigating.  Heather, who should  have been driving was napping when I asked which split road to take. 

Well, we took the four extra hour way which was just the beginning.  Once into Dallas, I got onto the carpool lane and while white knuckling it through the cement turns ( which looked like  rat race if you ask me) an old man passed me quite easily, while smoking a cigar.  He was in the regular lanes, not the my quick way was not so quick at all.  Well, they never let me live that down.  Thats for sure and the story is part of the trip that we will not forget.  The journey from Kansas to Texas was best shared with those special friends that supported me, even when I was struggling to find my way.

Today, are the right navigating buddies in your car?  Are you driving alone?  Do you need something to help you get to your destination?  Hard questions, I know.  Think about what t you need to accomplish your dreams and make a way to get there.  You can do it...I believe in you!

If you are looking for somewhere to belong, I encourage you to contact me and we can discuss a CM career.  It might just be the perfect map for your trip!  BE A STORY STAR and find out more at my Creative Memories website.  Just go to join the team.


Todays quote:

Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things.  ~Author Unknown

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