I asked Adam today what my topic should be for this post...he said TACOS...Ok, so today we are chatting about tacos. I hope you like the post:)
When we make tacos here at the Brisse house, we keep it pretty simple. Shells, seasoned meat, cheese, lettuce, sour cream and salsa. Sometimes we add other things like onions or even peppers...but most of the time we enjoy the basics. Favorite ingredients that we just love!
Go to any restaurant these days and order a taco salad...what do you get? TONS of things thrown in and sometimes it does not make the best tasting meal. Why? You cant taste the few favorites by themselves, it just cant happen. Life is like that too...sometimes the wrong people can overcomplicate things and then you cant really enjoy them. Does this sound familiar?
Think about your week, now that it is Friday. Did it seem like it flew by? Was the week so busy that it was hard to enjoy? Were the people in your life there to simplify or complicate your life? It is good to take a hard look at that sometimes and clean out the clutter, if you know what I mean.
This weekend, how about finding a few things that are the simpler things in life, and give it a try? Grab the kids and head down to the Christian Fair tonight and tomorrow..you can stop by my booth and make a card for the soldiers protecting our America. We aim to create 500 cards to send this holiday season...make a card, and make a difference. It really is simple.
Adam, I say to you that life is like a taco. Keep your favorite people and to-do list simple and full of things you love. I love you kiddo...Thanks for the idea today!
Todays Quote:
The best things in life are nearest: Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just before you. Then do not grasp at the stars, but do life's plain, common work as it comes, certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life. ~Robert Louis Stevenson
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