Looking back on one more cool digital page created from this weekends many photos. This is my brothers beautiful family. We love seeing them all, especially when two of our girls are usually so far away at college.
This weekend was surely full of family times. Our kids have always been taught that family comes first...and they really get it. Sure they fight, and argue. When it comes right down to it though, they know to show their family loyalty through their actions. We had a wonderful Christmas, and are very blessed.
Since it is Monday, that can only mean one thing...time to get to work! :) I have a question for you. Do you love photos? There are people that walk with a camera in hand most of the time and snap away whether the subjects are willing or not. I am one of those people. Sure there are times when I dont get that camera out, and times that I wish I could take tons more than I actually do, but for the most part I cant get enough photos. Is that you too??? If it is, my question to you is "what are you doing with all of those photos?"
Tomorrow night, please consider coming to Tecki Tuesday. Let's talk digital photos, and solutions for what you can do with them. Photos are only the beginning of an adventure with Creative Memories. There are possibilities, and I would be honored to help you learn more. Email me at brissebunch@yahoo.com to find out more. Is this new year the right time for you???
Todays quote:
Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. ~Attributed to Howard Thurman
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