Monday, December 6, 2010

Day Sixty Seven

What do I love?  SNOW!~And the ease of making these pages with digital photos. 

Friday was out of control here in Minnesnowta!  The snow just kept falling and falling.  Travel became more difficult, and the time it took to move anywhere was slower and slower.  What is wrong with me...I love it!

As a kid I just loved the snowfall.  In fact, in our last house, my hubby put a big light right out side of our picture window so I could watch the snowfall in the winter at night.  I think I must be part eskimo:)  There is something amazing about a new snowfall, and how it puts a nice white blanket over everything.  The world is brand new...and the beauty is incredible...

Today as I think about these pictures I took ( while in jammies and boots btw) I am reminded of the potential for new attitudes.  Sharing our hearts with others in many ways just beams love to the world.  Imagine if everyone did one sweet thing for another person.  Just cause they could, and not for any recognition.  What a beautiful place it would be, not only during the holidays but throughout the year. 

Find an opportunity to share kindness today.  And remember, the potential is there for just gotta look for it.

Be a star, a STORY STAR!  Join my growing team, we are looking to add new friends right now.  There is too much for us to do and we need your help:)  FIND OUT MORE HERE!

Todays Quote:

The difference between try and triumph is a little umph.  ~Author Unknown

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