Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day Seventy Six

Today I am feeling grateful, today I am feeling I see what is in front of me and I am aware of the challenges I face.  I have choices to make, and a path to follow...where am I led?  I choose to follow God and go with the flow instead of fighting to swim  upstream.  The life plan is not mine, it is his...why not just make sure that when given opportunities, they are taken with a mission to succeed.  I think I will...

Sharing some very cool things yesterday, I was approached by a good friend, and customer of mine.  She was really excited to see something that she wanted on sale.  The idea that I would wrap her gift up and deliver it just made good customer service.  That offer is good through next week as well, so take me up on it.  Now, what did she want?  A Custom Cutting system...why?  It definitely adds value to her scrapbooking, and gives her the ability to do something a bit beyond the norm.  She is thrilled to purchase it on sale too.  What can I do for you this week???  And what can YOU do for you???

Take a look at yesterdays blog post and pick something fun for you!  Remember that you can do it, and I can help.  For those of you with ideas, I can do it and YOU can help!  Last night I finished a book for someone dear, who had the photos ready but needed my help to get them all in place.  Here is a page from that you like it?  I added words of course, but you get the idea.  Vintage revisited.  I love it!

Todays quote:

The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.  ~Attributed to both Vidal Sassoon and Donald Kendall

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