Monday, October 18, 2010

Day Eighteen

Staying positive is so important, but surrounding yourself with people that really help you gain that belief is my secret.  Who is in your life that truly believes in you.  When you look in the mirror, do you see the same person that they do?   What inspires you to believe in yourself, and the things that you can achieve?

An example of one person like this is my friend Heather. I can call her when things are not going as planned and she listens without  judgement.  She might have a lot to say about what I am "spewing" about, but she is one person that I know is on my side and believes in me.  Its one of those friendships that changes your life.  Wouldnt it be nice to have a list of friends like that?  People that truly are there for you?

Tomorrow I am definitely making that list.  The list of the people in your life that support you, and believe in you...why?  When I might be struggling to accomplish my goals, it will be really nice to make a phone call to someone that can keep me believing.  I guess that will be my "phone a friend" plan.  :)

Are you looking for friends that you can connect with?  Friends that believe in you and your dreams?  I know where you can find them.  Sharing something in common with others just  might be what you need.  Visit us at Tecki Tuesday and find out what its all about.  You just might find a group of new friends that will help you believe in yourself, even when you cant.  Join us for girls night out!!!


 Tuesday October 19th, bring your scanner and laptop or just come to learn more about managing photos and organizing them in Memory Manager.  Also, Storybook Creator lesson and learn something amazing.  This is an example of digital fun, and a lesson we learned at Tecki Tuesday on tag making.

My daughter made this for her friends birthday party.  It was a cute dollar store frame and a 5 x 7 photo featuring her friends name.  WOW!  You can do it too, and we will teach you how.

Todays Quote:

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