Thursday, December 30, 2010

Consultants with Benefits

Rain, snow, storms...winter in Minnesota is so predictable...NOT!  I spent Wednesday afternoon shoveling my parents deck off, which had about three feet of snow so that todays big snowfall ( expected to be 20 more inches) would not mean wet walls in the house.  It was a busy day, as my sister was in town and I got to visit with her at the same time.  After that, I came home and made dinner early so that I could attend a lovely dinner with my CM sisters!  Thanks Mindy, it was amazing and such a blessing to be invited!  Well, while waiting to take off, I thought I would check my emails.  SURPRISE again!  Yesterday I got a wondeful email from CM corporate letting me know that as a consultant, we are being given an additional 20% discount on some of our most popular items!  Well, how to pass that up??? I can't, and it is just SO cool that I am sharing my amazing specials with awesome blog fans.

Savings of 20% on all of these items!  Hurry, sale ends tomorrow, December 31st at 10pm sharp!  This pricing is only available through me, and is limited in supply.  If you are looking for even MORE savings...signing up with Creative Memories gives you an additional 30% off your items, costs just $50 and when you activate in the first 30 days  you will receive that $50 right back.  Specials end tomorrow...

Reminisce Winter AdditionsCheerful Winter Additions
Reminisce Winter Addition ( traditional scrapbooking) $7.20
Cheerful Winter Addition ( traditional scrapbooking) $7.20
Daisy Messanger BagFull of Love BookHummingbird Tote
Full of Love book $15.96        Hummingbird Tote Bag $44      Daisy Messenger Laptop Bag $44
Click & Fill III CDStoryBook Creater Plus 3 CD
Storybook Creator Software $51.96
Creative Cuts BundleCreative Cuts Basic ShapesCreative Cuts Box

Creative Cuts Bundle $38.80
Creative Cuts Basic Shapes template $8
Creative Cuts Storage Box $20

Todays quote:

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day Ninety

WHEW!  Writing that this is day Ninty is exciting for me.  I am ready to assess the progress, and the details for my business over the past 90 days.  Today is the last day to work it before I make my decisions about how CM has influenced my life in many ways.  Today, today today...and on January 1st you will DEFINITELY want to check back on my blog here.  That is a day you will not want to miss!!!

Sharing my friend Heathers promo book, which is a great little 7x5 softcover book that is very simple to carry around and show off  your business.  Here are a few photos of her amazing Button Bling Things jewelry to show you. 

Storybooks really do tell a story.  They can be used for family, business promotions, presentations, celebrations...the possibilities are endless!  And by the way, they start at just $17.95 each.

As today is day 90 for me, I want to  thank you for following my journey.  Thanks for an amazing 2010! If you love free is my gift to you.

Buy Creative Memories Digital ll ~ Get TWO $39.95 photo books free, Storybook Creator, Memory Manager, plus digital content. Hurry, I only have 5 extra codes to give out! (btw, I have an additional $700 valued gift for you.) Send me a message to start 2011 in a new creative way.

Get the Digital ll Collection here

Todays Quote:

All the so-called "secrets of success" will not work unless you do.  ~Author Unknown

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day Eighty Nine

How is it possible that the older I get, the faster the years roll on by me?  That sounds like something my parents told me years ago, that the older you get the faster time flies...well I have decided that it is TRUE!  Or else they have me so convinced through the brainwashing of my younger days.  Either way, there is a new year coming in just a few days.  What to do about it?  I decided that today would be a good day to start creating calendars for 2011.  I also decided that since the time flies so fast, that I would start with December of 2011 since 2010 was so fresh in my mind.  I started with a pre-designed template for the calendar and added just a couple of touches to personalize it a bit more.

My two favorite things about the Creative Memories calendars are that the 12x12 page print can be taken off ( it is perforated), and put right into an album after the month is finished, and that the calendar cells can be edited just by a click to add a photo, or sticker.  It will automatically adjust.  HOW COOL!!!

After a full season of creating photo gifts and the reactions I saw in my family and friends I am a firm believer in Creative Memories products.  Meaningful gifts such as photo books, scrapbook projects, framed page prints, custom mugs and more are right at your fingertips.  You can do it and I would be honored to help!  Here are a few photos from Christmas and the gifts I have told you about.

Start something meaningful in the new year...start sharing your memories and helping others share theirs with Creative Memories.  THIS is family, and the heart of your home.  It is the best gift you can give yourself, that also gives to others in so many ways.  Take the time to value your memories, photos and family time. 

Todays quote:

Each day comes bearing its own gifts.  Untie the ribbons.  ~Ruth Ann Schabacker

Monday, December 27, 2010

Day Eighty Eight

Looking back on one more cool digital page created from this weekends many photos.  This is my brothers beautiful family.  We love seeing them all, especially when two of our girls are usually so far away at college. 
This weekend was surely full of family times.  Our kids have always been taught that family comes first...and they really get it.  Sure they fight, and argue.  When it comes right down to it though, they know to show their family loyalty through their actions.  We had a wonderful Christmas, and are very blessed.

Since it is Monday, that can only mean one thing...time to get to work!  :)  I have a question for you.  Do you love photos?  There are people that walk with a camera in hand most of the time and snap away whether the subjects are willing or not.  I am one of those people.  Sure there are times when I dont get that camera out, and times that I wish I could take tons more than I actually do, but for the most part I cant get enough photos.  Is that you too???  If it is, my question to you is "what are  you doing with all of those photos?" 

Tomorrow night, please consider coming to Tecki Tuesday.  Let's talk digital photos, and solutions for what you can do with them.  Photos are only the beginning of an adventure with Creative Memories.  There are possibilities, and I would be honored to help you learn more.  Email me at to find out more.  Is this new year the right time for you???

Todays quote:

Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive.  And then go and do that.  Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.  ~Attributed to Howard Thurman

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day Eighty Seven

Traditions are a big part of the Brissebunch's life.  We have traditions for lots of things.  After Thanksgiving each year, we watch "A Christmas Story", and it is tradition to scream Happy Birthday loudly, adding Cha cha cha to the end of the song each time a birthday cake is brought into the room...One tradition for the past 17 years is that the grandkids lineup, oldeset to  youngest and left to right in front of my parents fireplace. This was not the hardest one though...when my brothers youngest daughter died at just 3 1/2, the idea of putting the kids in front of the fireplace without Emily was tough.  It broke our hearts.  We will always miss Emily, but will honor the tradition of bringing those together.  It has been 17 years since this began, and now they are moving this spring, so this is to be the last lineup...

Sometimes we have to say goodbye to traditions that have been a huge part of our lives.  That is ok, hard but ok.  The important thing is to remember what fun we had enjoying them along the way!  My kids will always remember this tradition and we have the photos to look back on.  I have always had the camera in hand, and that is another tradition.  I am very blessed today looking back on the times with family:)

Todays quote:

We do not remember days; we remember moments.  ~Cesare Pavese, The Burning Brand

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day Eighty Six

Merry Christmas to you!  We had a wonderful Christmas Eve and day, both filled with tons of photos.  Of course, that is the one thing you can be sure of...Annette will get the photos!  Here is one of my fave photos of the weekend so far.  And a story to go with it of course...
This is the gift I received from my dear hubby.  He brought it in and when I saw it, my thoughts immediately ran back to our fave holiday movie, A Christmas Story.  "It could be anything! "  And " Its fragile, thats French" came to was really fun wondering what it could be for a whole day.  Our family just loves that movie!!! 

What does it look like to you?  Do you have your mind made up of what it could, and could not be?   For me the potential of what it COULD be just had me smiling.  What does potential mean to you?  Have you ever decided that something could not be before even giving it a chance to succeed???  Has anyone ever done that to you?  Believe me, it has happened in my life. 

Tonight as we celebrate Jesus Christ birth, I am reminded of the potential of one little baby.  The impact of one new baby in the world did change everything.  Share the joy, and the potential of the season!

Todays quote:

May Peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through!  ~Author Unknown

Friday, December 24, 2010

Day Eighty Five

Have a wonderfully blessed CHRISTmas tomorrow, and keep the joy in your hearts! 

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day Eighty Four

Early this morning I jumped out of bed to start getting the house ready for Christmas.  I was soon followed by one kitty named Purrfect and about an hour later our daughter Madison got up.  She is quietly working on a puzzle as I work...Back to Purrfect, who is munching on kitty chow and having a good day.  She is definitely a big part of our family.  We love her, she tolerates us.  My Mom once got a card that said "people have servants, cats have staff".  Surely this applies to our kitty cat.

If you read yesterdays post, you know that Maddie created her first storybook and it is all about the cat.  Today I am sharing another fun page that she made.  Remember that she is 12 years old and this is  her first storybook.  She did it all by herself!

This page totally cracks me up!  Ok, we take lots of photos around here, and the cat is a fave subject.  She is just so slow moving most of the time and her markings are distinct which makes for great contrast too.

Today as we get ready for Christmas, there are a few more things to make.  Page prints like this are perfect for gift giving...and did you know that you can print 5 x 7 photos at Costco for about 40 cents?  If money is tight for you this year, consider making a print and putting it into a frame.  Dollar Tree is one of my fave stores, where you can get frames for a buck.  How cool is that?  A custom page, printed and framed for less than $2!   Between the holiday traditions we are packing in today, there will be lots of digital design for last minute gift giving...I hope you have a fabulous holiday weekend and a blessed Christmas!

Todays quote:
When the world says, "Give up,"
Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."
~Author Unknown

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day Eighty Three

Isn't it cute???  It is a page print from a storybook...yes, you can print the pages out on your computer, or at a store that prints like Walgreens, Costco or CVS pharmacy...but I did not make this one.

A couple of weeks ago, Maddie my 12 year old daughter asked to learn the Storybook Creator software as she wanted to write about our kitty, Purrfect.  I had put off showing her the software for a long time.  I dont know why, I guess maybe I thought it would be a lot to learn for her.  There are endless possibilities to the program and I was not sure how it would go.  Well, silly me.  Maddie took off with the program, picked a pre-designed theme for a 7x5 softcover storybook and in just 1 hour she had 22 pages and a whole book complete with photo cover!  GO MADDIE GO! 

What did I think would happen?  I thought it would be overwhelming to her, and that it would take a long time.  How is that different than when I teach adults how to use it?  Again I say, silly me for pre-judging her abilities.  And, I need to remember that just picking a pre-designed book really is a quick and painless option!  Wanna try it too?  I have the most amazing special for you. 

Get Creative Memories Digital 2 collection and I am gifting you an extra $39.95 book code!  That is $80 worth of hard cover storybooks, the award winning Storybook Creator software, Memory Manager photo solution software, digital content to play with and all for only $129!!! ( plus tax and ship) Hurry, I only have 5 extra codes to give out and just sold the first one tonight while writing this post. 

Yes, so easy that a kid can do it.  That is what I tell people all the time when they are scared to try our software.  I totally understand that it is intimidating to try something new, especially when you are not sure about how tecki you can be.  I felt the same way...and that is exactly why we train you on the software FREE of charge.  Sure, if you want to try on your own you can.  There are tutorials, trainings, and helping areas on my Creative Memories website here GET HELP WITH CM but if you need more help, I want you to know that you can count on me to be there.  I love to help!  And that is exactly what Tecki Tuesday is about.  Click on the page link above to learn more.

Todays quote:
Every day is an opportunity to make a new happy ending.  ~Author Unknown

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day Eighty Two

WOW!  Eight days left in the first exciting is that?  The big debut is coming of what I have accomplished, what was hard, and how I got where I did just by putting my efforts into this plan. 

Planning is only part of success though.  Planning is great for realizing how to do something, but first there needs to be an idea of what has to get done.  What is the goal?  How can we get there?  Again, I say its like taking a trip and you dont know where to.  You can have all of the good maps in the world, but without knowing your direction how are you going to get there?  AAA cant even help with that one...

This weekend, I got a phone call from my Mom.  She asked for help.  Why is that weird?  Well , you just have to know  my Mom.  She doesnt ask for anything, even when we offer again and again.  What can you do with a Mom like this?  Wait, and when she does ask just do it.  Well, she asked for help getting the house ready for Christmas this weekend when we will all be over there to celebrate the day together.  I grabbed my three daughters, and with cookie dough ready to go we took off for Minneapolis.  We got there, and while the big girls set up the tree with decorations, Maddie and I took to the kitchen to bake.  We mixed the dough at home so there would be very little mess to deal with after.  Mom took a nap, the Christmas music was on and when she woke up the cookies were ready.  We sat them down for cookies and tea right in front of the fireplace.  Of course I had my camera all ready to take these photos.  It was a wonderful day!!!

I loved making these pages of the day.  The photo behind is actually the Christmas tree all decorated.  I love it!  No really, I love it.

Watch out next week, there are going to be some amazing offers made here on my blog ONLY!  You will want to check back daily.  Tonight is Tecki Tuesday, remember to come so I can help you create an unforgettable photo gift for Christmas or whatever you are celebrating in your life.

Visit my Creative Memories site and find out how I can help you with photo solutions.  Didnt know you needed solutions?  I can help with that too:)

Todays quote:

Soul-mates are people who bring out the best in you.  They are not perfect but are always perfect for you.  ~Author Unknown

Monday, December 20, 2010

Day Eighty One

Tonight I am sharing our family photo card, designed by my girls and just imagine...$16 for 50 cards ( 6x7.5) including envelopes that are foil lined.  WOW!  Did you know that when you mail cards, even photo cards they do not have to be the small size for one stamp?  These photo cards cost the same to mail as a 4 x 8 business card envie.  It is a great way to share your family photos this season.

I think that there are times in our lives when we just have to go with the flow.  Some days you are meant to swim upstream, and others it is simply best to ride the current.  Where did you find yourself today?  And are you OK with that? 

I definitely rode the current today which is hard to do.  I knew what I wanted to accomplish, and not all of it happened yet.  Is it a tough realization to let that happen?  Yeah, and sometimes I feel a bit defeated.  For me, it is ok...If I did my best, then I am proud of my efforts.  If I did not?  Then I can allow myself to feel it.  The overall message?  Get back up!  Do it all over again and it will improve next time.  Again, I say watch the video of my fave song by Toby Mac. 

Todays Quote:
Pain is inevitable.  Suffering is optional.  ~M. Kathleen Casey

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day Eighty

Yesterday was amazing...what did I do?  I was invited by Fashion Bug to come in and bring my vendor friends.  I just love doing these events!  I made some phone calls and brought in a few of my girls to be a part of the day.  Here is the digital page from the event...we had SO much fun together!  Remember the alarms girls?  I will never forget that now that I have this page to look at.

It was a blast yesterday but it did not start out that way totally...funny thing is that when I was running busy, tryin to get it all done before taking off the thought ran through my head of " I just dont have time to brush my teeth"!  Why is this weird?  I bet for the past 44 years I have missed that less than 10 times, and never because I thought I did not have time.  I was not even stressed out yesterday, just thought I could get ahead two minutes if I skipped that.  Really???  What was running through my mind?  What could have been so important that I considered this totally unrational thought, and what can I do about avoiding thoughts like that? 

Good news...I brushed my teeth.  Flossed too!!!  Being aware of those little things that try to sneak in and mess up my day is important.  Routine is important to me and my family as well.  Seriously, if brushing my teeth was not routine, I would not have thought it was out of the ordinary to miss it. 

The day WAS busy, but I was glad to have stayed on track.  I had a blast with the vendors, Thanks Melissa for inviting us.  I had a great time when Bette popped in to say hello ( miss you) just because.  I was lucky enough to help design a photo card for a friend, which she is excited about.   I had FUN chatting for a long time with Steph and walking her through digital projects, I had a great time learning more about my college kiddo Sara ( thanks for the chat hun) and even discussing growing up with another kiddo.  I saw and appreciated the efforts by my daughter Maddie when she took it upon herself to clean up the house while all the discussions were taking place.  I loved taking the time to see Adams reaction to a video of himself ( an actor that just looks like him).  I got to have Maia and Chris in the house for the entire evening, and watch a movie with two of my daughters.  I pet the cat too... And I even got to sit down and have dinner by the fire with hubby, that was super nice.  I am blessed.

Todays Quote:
I think of life itself now as a wonderful play that I've written for myself, and so my purpose is to have the utmost fun playing my part.  ~Shirley MacLaine

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day Seventy Nine

WAHOO!  Finally, back on track for blogging in the mornings.  My holidays are BUSY days!  That is a great thing overall, as I am having so much fun.  The schedule gets super full though and sometimes things get pushed back.  I just knew that getting up early today would mean starting the laundry at 5, and getting my web stuff right where I needed it to be. 

Today, I am inspired...and it started out so early that I guess I might be too tired to know better.  Getting back on track is the theme of my fave song right now.  I hope you enjoy it! 

Feeling overwhelmed with the holidays?  I suggested something to my friend the other day, and it is something I will be doing myself tomorrow...sit back, and look at what is most important about the season...First, Jesus Christ.  Just do it, put him back into your Christmas.  It is afterall, a celebration of his birth.  Next, give to your family!  Time, smiles,  hugs, love.  Sure, it is about gifts too for kiddos, but showing them that they are a priority over making others think you are the amazing supermom that bakes etc means more.  And last, remember to energize with the things that matter.  If you need quiet time to yourself, take ten minutes to make sure you get it.  If you really love to sing, get to church and spend the time belting out the holiday carols.  Give you, what you need!  It is hard to shine when your finish is dull:)

Watch the video and share what makes you shine...Get up, and make a difference today!

Have a fabulous Saturday everyone. 

Friday, December 17, 2010

Day Seventy Eight

Wahoo!  Just when I was praying for some more fun team members, I got a call from a dear friend from  years ago...she has been wondering how Creative Memories is going and joined the next day!   How exciting is that???  I am grateful for friends, including those that have been out of our lives for a bit. It is so good to have her back in my days:)

Is there someone that you could reach out to?  Has someone been on your mind lately?  If there is a way, reach out today and maybe  you can bring a big smile to a friend from the past...or one that is just in need of some kindness.  Can you make a difference???

Today I met up with a friend for breakfast, and she when chatting about being super busy...maybe too busy to finish Christmas cards.  ( she makes her own)  So, we decided to sit down and create something quick and personal right in Targets cafeteria.  Ten minutes later, we had this all ready for her greeting and photo.  She will email those to me and I can add them, just email the finished to her and she can  upload over the net to Costco.  WOW!  She really loved the Storybook Creator.  This is what we came up with.

Now, if you need some help...I will take care of you.  Those of you needing design for your holiday cards quick?  Email me and we can design in MY program.  It is my gift to you.  Remember, you can do it and I will help.  Happy Holidays!

Give yourself an amazing gift this year...Purchase Creative Memories Storybook Creator software and really enjoy making cool stuff!  FIND OUT MORE HERE!

Todays quote:

We can do no great things, only small things with great love.  ~Mother Teresa

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day Seventy Seven

Projects, get your projects...just ask for help and it is yours!  Yesterday, a friend was looking to have 14 Christmas stockings embroidered with the names of her friends and family on them.  She tried a few embroiderers, but they would not take the job with the fuzzy finish of the stockings.  She really wants those names on them.  I asked her if a cute tag for each with the names on it would work...and then by her smile I knew that I had to help.  Just let me help, I told Terri...

I opened a pre-designed page in my Storybook Creator software and quickly added the names, in a cute font.  Then I finished each by adding dimension to make the letters "pop".  Here is one of the finished tags!

So how much would something like this be worth to you if you were desperate for 14 custom tags?  How about $2.25 total...Boy, was Terri pleased, and by the way?  These 4x6 prints were ready in just 35 minutes to pick up at the local CVS, just a block from her work. 

Do you need some good ideas?  I can help...lets make it work for you. 

Todays quote:
Character is what emerges from all the little things you were too busy to do yesterday, but did anyway.  ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day Seventy Six

Today I am feeling grateful, today I am feeling I see what is in front of me and I am aware of the challenges I face.  I have choices to make, and a path to follow...where am I led?  I choose to follow God and go with the flow instead of fighting to swim  upstream.  The life plan is not mine, it is his...why not just make sure that when given opportunities, they are taken with a mission to succeed.  I think I will...

Sharing some very cool things yesterday, I was approached by a good friend, and customer of mine.  She was really excited to see something that she wanted on sale.  The idea that I would wrap her gift up and deliver it just made good customer service.  That offer is good through next week as well, so take me up on it.  Now, what did she want?  A Custom Cutting system...why?  It definitely adds value to her scrapbooking, and gives her the ability to do something a bit beyond the norm.  She is thrilled to purchase it on sale too.  What can I do for you this week???  And what can YOU do for you???

Take a look at yesterdays blog post and pick something fun for you!  Remember that you can do it, and I can help.  For those of you with ideas, I can do it and YOU can help!  Last night I finished a book for someone dear, who had the photos ready but needed my help to get them all in place.  Here is a page from that you like it?  I added words of course, but you get the idea.  Vintage revisited.  I love it!

Todays quote:

The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.  ~Attributed to both Vidal Sassoon and Donald Kendall

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day Seventy Five

Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh...if you have been following me over the last 75 days, you know that there is just another 15 days til the end of my first three months as a full time consultant with Creative Memories.  I say the first three months as my goals of making this my full time job, including income that my hubby and I decided would be enough to work with.  It is very exciting to say I am nearing my goals, and with exciting offers this week I will be moving confidently forward.

With 15 days left, I feel there is still a lot to do.  Being completely honest, I feel as if this is crunch time...can I do it?  Will I connect with enough people to make it really happen?  Can just 15 more days be enough to make it happen?  Yes, the pressure is on...

I would like to thank you for being receptive to my sharing, and the followers both public and not have supported my mission to make it!  I am grateful to you all and in that spirit I am offering some extra special pricing on my top 5 picks...Please enjoy them:)



Good things come in bundles. And this limited-edition bundle provides a great start on this new collection, plus great savings. Get everything you need to easily add letters, numbers and textures to your albums. 12x12 Cutting Mat sold separately.  SpecificationsCreative Cuts Tool Creative Cuts Distressing Tip Creative Cuts Playful Alpha Set Pattern Creative Cuts Playful Numbers Pattern (FREE)

Regular price $58.50
Sale price $48.50
Annette's price $39.50


December Special-Baby Girl Bundle-Free Tape Runner and RefillDecember Special-School Bundle-Free Tape Runner and RefillDecember Special-Travel Bundle-Free Tape Runner and RefillDecember Special-Baby Boy Bundle-Free Tape Runner and Refill

Get a Tape Runner and Tape Runner Refill for FREE!If you're still looking for that perfect gift to give this holiday season, why not give the opportunity to quickly get their photos out of storage and into beautifully decorated albums? The all-in-one Quick Kit Photo albums are perfect for those who want an album that takes minutes to complete, but look like it took hours of preparation. And when you purchase a Quick Kit Bundle in December, we'll give you a Tape Runner and a Tape Runner Refill for free! (Colors vary.) That just made the perfect gift even better.

Regular price $69.00
Bonus gift value $13.50
Annette's price $55.00


This one-of-a-kind collection captures Nancy’s impeccable fashion sense, and comes with everything you need to celebrate your most cherished moments with the wonder and elegance they deserve. Purchase the entire collection and get the decorative embellishments for free.

SpecificationsHummingbird 12x12 Album 12x12 Scrapbook Page Protectors Hummingbird 12x12 Paper and Photo Mat Pack Hummingbird Page Planner and Idea Book Hummingbird Personal Trimmer Hummingbird Tape Runner Black Fine-Tip Pen Hummingbird Tote Hummingbird Decorative ABC Stickers (FREE) Hummingbird Paper Ribbon (FREE) Hummingbird Paper Embellishments (FREE) Expressions of Life Vellum Accents (FREE)

Regular price $215.50
Bundle price $186.50
Annette's price $159.50


Black Magnetic Everyday DisplayChocolate Magnetic Everyday DisplayWhite Magnetic Everyday Display

SpecificationsAn 18x18-inch frame with beveled edges A 13½x13½ fabric-covered magnetic board inside the frame Six black decorative magnets A thin black ribbon with six black clothespins A black ribbon and decorative peg for hanging

FeaturesFrame finished in weathered-look

Regular price $52.00
Annette's price $47.00

Here are some ideas for my fave EVERYDAY DISPLAY frames...that I really do use all the time...


Our Collections offer you an easy way to get started and to save money. Organize and complete your first StoryBook with the Digital Collection. It features everything you need to get your digital images organized and create a StoryBook from your digital photos.

SpecificationsStoryBook Creator Plus 3.0 Software Memory Manager 3.0 Software Totally Fun and Day to Day Digital Content CD Embellishment Kit: Digital Doodles & Swirls Content CD

FeaturesEmbellishments can be resized and recolored using StoryBook Creator Plus 3.0 Software A $39.95 coupon code (expires 06/30/2011) good toward the purchase of your first StoryBook. Exclusive embellishment kit you can't get anywhere else on a CD! Please note: Software products and Content Collection CDs, once opened, may not be returned.


Regular price $151.75
Bundle price $129.00
Annette's price $109.00

Thank you for your support, friendships and comments.  Please let me know what YOUR faves are!  You might just see them on sale here especially for you:)

Todays quote:

Some of the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible.  ~Doug Larson

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day Seventy Four

Creativity...sometimes you just need a little help.  I love to create, but love having tools that really make it neat and clean.  The Creative Cuts template system by Creative Memories makes it all easy!  check it out.

Just 12 days til Christmas and I am super excited to share with you today...I will personally gift wrap your items so you can put them right under the tree:)  Here is todays special, at an additional savings of $10. 

What is it and how does it work? 
Just watch the video to the right  ------->>>>
By the way, my price for you and your friends is just $39.95 but you must hurry, and must order through me directly.  Local delivery is available and I will save you shipping if you choose that option.

All additional Creative Cuts and Custom Cutting System purchases will be discounted 15%.  Gifts for you, and for all of your papercrafting, scrapbooking friends!  Now, you can afford to get them all at a great price!


Today is Monday, and I just love Mondays!  There is so much potential for a great week.  And I am celebrating it.  Today my own attitude will set the pace for my family and  those that I interact with.  Will I choose to be happy?  How about overwhelmed?  I think a positive attitude will help move everything in a great direction and with optimism.  Can a person choose to be "up" and make it happen?  I believe it can be.

Today, two things come to mind.  First, believing is the beginning of achieving.  It is hard to get to  a goal when you are not facing the direction of it...and second, motivate yourself enough to get started.  Even the longest walk starts with one step.  If you dont start walking, how are you ever going to get there???

Find your reasons, and make it happen.  Smile, and shine for others and believe that anything can happen.  Remember, you are the person you have chosen to be:)

Todays quote:
Attitudes are contagious.  Are yours worth catching?  ~Dennis and Wendy Mannering

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day Seventy Three

Snow day...for sure in Minnesota this morning.  What are you to do with 9 people in the house while it is literally FREEZING outside?  Today I made three big pans of our fave I got from my friend Bridget just a few months ago.  Here is the recipe and how CUTE it is as a 4x6 photo recipe card???  There are times in our lives where the elements, or circumstances take things out of our control.  It can be frustrating, and scary too at times.  Try just doing something unexpected, something you can do just because and find how fun surprise days can be.  It might just help you feel a little more in control again.

Try it out today.  It is simple, and quick too.  A great treat for the family on those chilly winter days.

Now, how do we create these great photo recipe cards?  Simple, its all in our Storybook Creator Software.  You can do it, and I will help:)

Todays Quote:
Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.  ~Ovid

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day Seventy Two

Minnesnowta.  Seriously, that is what we call it here and this is why.  I will share some photos first, then create a layout with digital.  Here  you go!

Hubby and I traveled to pick up our daughter for her Christmas break.  We drove the usual 5 hours which turned out to be 8.5 hours and wow, what a ride.  We lost our ability to see with the truckers passing, and I worked on my storybooks right in the truck.  I think the idea is to be prepared, and do things that need to be done not just things that you want to be done.  Funny huh???

What's cool about using Storybook to create with in the car? That was a long time to be in the truck and it was really nice to be able to work on holiday gifts.  Can't do that with every digital book writing software.  Now, its all done and I can go online to order...working offline is the best perk of the Storybook software. 

Todays quote:
If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.  ~Milton Berle